Summary (English):
MESTRI-CE is developing a methodology to support the transposition of new EU requirements for each element in the buildings (re)construction investment process: building standards and tools, data management, technical and economic assessment, underwriting processes, forecasting savings potential, measurement, verification, and reporting.
Summary (Croatian):
MESTRI-CE uvodi novi model ulaganja za financiranje klimatski prihvatljivijih zgrada koje jamče održivost prema zahtjevima EU. Model pokriva ponudu i potražnju na tržištu obnove, a temelji se na prikupljenim podacima te alatima i zelenim standardima razvijenim tijekom projekta. Projektom će se ujedno uspostaviti pet centara za savjetovanje u ovom području u državama obuhvaćenim projektnim partnerstvom.
REGEA, Croatia
Project scope:
EU programme:
Interreg Central Europe
Countries Involved:
- Austria
- Croatia
- Germany
- Italy
- Poland
- Slovenia
Key Topics:
- Building standards
- Citizen involvement
- Construction of public and private buildings
- Deep energy renovation
- Green financing
- Socioeconomic assessments
- Sustainable investments
Key Beneficiaries:
- Citizens
- Energy agencies
- Financial institutions
- Public Authorities
- SMEs
External link:
Click here for more.