Summary (English): Renocally supports municipalities and policymakers in Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia to decarbonise their building stock in a cost-efficient, people-centric way by implementing effective building renovation policies aligned with EU policy. The respective countries share a similar, inefficient building stock with high energy consumption and a high share of energy poverty. The project team conducts internal trainings for local authorities on financing and developing BRPs that aim to produce 20 BRPs and 15 municipal finance strategies. In Romania and Bulgaria, meetings with involved municipal staff are organised to discuss the training’s outcomes and get input from professionals already working with building decarbonisation. In Slovakia, results are discussed during a roundtable on BRPs with public authorities in charge of building certification and municipal energy planning. Furthermore, good practices and lessons learned are shared during a cross-country roundtable discussion in Romania and a knowledge-sharing webinar aimed at the Western Balkans. The project also plans on presenting the results at relevant policy and research conferences in the EU.
Coordinator: Buildings Performance Institute Europe ASBL (BPIE)
Project scope: EU
EU programme: European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
Countries Involved:
  • Bulgaria
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
Key Topics:
  • Buildings
  • Climate Strategies and Plans
  • Energy poverty
  • Energy Transition and Climate-Neutral Buildings
Key Beneficiaries:
  • Municipalities
External link: Click here for more.