
Summary (English): The project targets public authorities (such as municipalities, energy agencies etc.) in six European countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Ukraine) for the design, implementation and evaluation of key provisions to ensure our buildings are in line with our climate goals. Starting with these six focus countries, EPBD.wise will: - Support authorities in the design, implementation and evaluation of new or strengthened measures in the EPBD revision, including the new zero-emission building standard, national building renovation plans, renovation passports, energy performance certificates, and minimum energy performance standards across Europe. - Build a replicable model to support the widespread implementation of these measures across Europe. - Develop guidelines on how to design new policies and instruments, measure their effectiveness (monitoring, reporting and policy evaluation) and adjust to EU and national needs and objectives.
Coordinator: TU WIEN
Project scope: EU
EU programme: Life
Countries Involved:
  • Bulgaria
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Ukraine
Key Topics:
  • Energy performance certificates and minimum energy performance standards
  • National building renovation plans
  • Renovation passports
  • Zero-emission building standard
Key Beneficiaries:
  • Public Authorities
External link: Click here for more.